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Historical Page: Arsinos
The following page is a historical archive from the 2nd Arsonese Era, it is likely no longer kept up to date with current events and may have no bearing on the current map or game.
4th Stahl-Kaneland War
Kaneland flag Stahl federation 600px-Uno unpalogo.svg
Confederacy of Independent States Stahl Federation United Nations
Kane Ronald Reagan UNEC
Aims to defend sovereignty Expansionist aims Peacekeeping
Supporters Supporters Supporters
CIS Members
Novak6b Novak
Results Results Results
  • Kaneland is lost, given to Stahl and AAC by Kane Jr
Land gains, Kanelander state formed Withdrawal

Initial Attack[]

The Stahl Federation launched an invasion of Southern Kaneland with aims of taking everything south of the river, initially supported by Scharfenberg airbase and the airborne carrier USS Vettin. However the decision was later taken for Stahl to keep pushing north resulting in an ICBM launch at Kanesville and the commitment of all Stahl naval carriers to support the invasion.  The Stahl Navy launched an amphibious landing north of the river in an effort to flank Kanelands defensives. 

kaneland Response[]

The fortress line in south kaneland will force Stahl to go round and through the mountain range to reach Kanesville. Kaneland Geurilla fighters are hiding in the mountains and will attack and slow down any Stahl advance.

kane promises to stay in kanesville to oversee the defence of the city.

Inductrial capacity is switched to armaments and conscirption is introduced.

CIS members commit forces. Some pirates raid Stahl coast while Stahl navy is off the kaenish coast. New Salopia sends a armoured division to rienforce kanesville.

Toastervision complicates[]

After Kaneland announced that Kanesville is the location of the 13th Toastervisin Kaneland attemped to pursuade the UN that Stahl is violating international law. To help Kane created a poster campaign.

Stahl Aggression